Sunday, April 11, 2010

Imagery in "A Doll's House"


- Uses animal imagery to develop Nora's character throughout the play.

When Torvold hears Nora humming as she enters the house, he says "is that my little skylark twittering out there". Nora is in high spirits and humming cheerfully like a bird. Torvald calls his wife "my little skylark" or "squirrel" or other animal names throughout the play.

- Use a lot of bird imagery by calling many different bird names.

The names that Torvold call Nora are his feelings about Nora at that time. The animals are related to how Nora is acting or how she is portrayed.

Torvold refers Nora as a little squirrel.

Since squirrels hides and stores their food, Nora hides her macroons in the cabinet.

Christmas and New Year's 

- Nora and Torvold

The play is set during the holidays. Christmas and New Years are both associated with rebirth and renewal. For Nora and Torvold, it could be seen as a rebirth. Nora's actions wake her up to the pitiful state of her marriage. At the end, when Nora slams the door, she is in a way of reborn. Torvold realizes the lack of his existence. Both Nora and Torvold have been reborn by the end of the play/movie. 

- Krogstad and Mrs Linde

Krogstad and Mrs Linde are both reborn as well. They renewed their love affair as a chance of salvation. 

Christmas Tree

In the beginning of the first act, the tree appears and stays in the house throughout the play/movie. The christmas tree can be symbolic. It reminds us what season it is.

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